In recent times, an alarming narrative has emerged within the Malaysian blogosphere, suggesting a historical event that appears to be a misinterpretation or perhaps a deliberate misinformation campaign. The claim revolves around a so called Malay prince named Manabharana from Srivijaya, purportedly attacking and conquering the Chola kingdom. This misleading story has gained traction and is spreading like wildfire across various social media platforms. The need to address and rectify such inaccuracies is crucial not only for the sake of historical accuracy but also for fostering a responsible and informed online community. To delve into the matter, it is essential to clarify that historical records reveal the existence of multiple individuals named Manabharana throughout history. However, a nuanced understanding reveals that all these figures were Tamils (Damila) hailing from the Pandya kingdom, with references to their exploits documented in Tamil inscriptions and Sri Lankan chronicles...
The Pandyan kingdom went into decline after the Cholas of the Vijayalaya bloodline defeated them in the beginning of the 10th century AD. We can say that the Pandyans lived under the shadow of the Chola empire for about 300 years. Around 1220 AD or earlier, the Pandyans start regaining their strength. They finally destroyed the Cholas and as of 1279 AD, they reigned supreme in the Tamil region. During the zenith of the Pandyan empire in the late 13th century AD, they were said to be the richest empire in the world. The Pandyan empire was visited by the famed traveler Marco Polo in 1293 AD. Let's take a look at what Marco Polo has said about the Pandyan empire in his journal. I have referred to The Travels of Marco Polo, as translated by Henry Yule and The Travels of Marco Polo The Venetian by William Marsden & John Masefield. Whatever I have given here is very brief. You will need to read the full chapter of the journals if you want more information. Marco P...