In recent times, an alarming narrative has emerged within the Malaysian blogosphere, suggesting a historical event that appears to be a misinterpretation or perhaps a deliberate misinformation campaign. The claim revolves around a so called Malay prince named Manabharana from Srivijaya, purportedly attacking and conquering the Chola kingdom. This misleading story has gained traction and is spreading like wildfire across various social media platforms. The need to address and rectify such inaccuracies is crucial not only for the sake of historical accuracy but also for fostering a responsible and informed online community. To delve into the matter, it is essential to clarify that historical records reveal the existence of multiple individuals named Manabharana throughout history. However, a nuanced understanding reveals that all these figures were Tamils (Damila) hailing from the Pandya kingdom, with references to their exploits documented in Tamil inscriptions and Sri Lankan chronicles...
Hachikō, was an Akita dog born on a farm near the city of Ōdate, Akita Prefecture, remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, even many years after his owner's death. Have you ever wondered why some meat are considered as taboo while others are not? I believe that the culture we are born into and the role played by the animals in our lives has always been the deciding factor. I would like to talk about dog meat and why most of us do not consume it. Not that I have eaten it. I also do not wish to eat it. Some of you, or most of you who reads this post perhaps share the same cultural perception as me. There must be reasons for why certain things are taboo in our culture. If you can eat goat, why not dog? It is a four legged animal too. Man's best friend. The answer is very simple. Dogs are considered as man's best friend. They can work for you, cuddle with you, be your companion and above all, protect you whenever needed. These qualities are not...