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Chola Warlords: Who Were the Paluvettaraiyars?

Ponniyin Selvan I movie poster showing actor Sarathkumar as Periya Paluvettaraiyar and actor Parthiban as Chinna Paluvettaraiyar. In 2024, Oxford University Press published  Minor Majesties: The PaluvÄ“á¹­á¹­araiyars and Their South Indian Kingdom of PaluvÅ«r, 9th–11th Centuries A.D ., a groundbreaking study by historian Valerie Gillet. In the book’s opening chapter, A Tentative Biography of the Paluvettaraiyars , Gillet delves into the lineage and origins of this influential fami ly.  These Chola warlords traced their lineage to the formidable Maravars, an ancient warrior tribe renowned for their valor. However, I believe that while the Paluvettaraiyars were indeed of Maravar descent, they likely forged alliances through intermarriage with those of the Kallar and Agambadiyar clans, further solidifying their power and influence. Prominent figures in the medieval Chola era, the Paluvettaraiyars played a pivotal role in shaping the empire’s political and military landscape. Through st...

The Concept of Avatara Purusha

Vishnu in the form of Venkateswara or Balaji in Tirupathi. Picture source unknown. The Samkhya philosophy speaks about the duality of reality. Samkhya is one of the 6 valid philosophies of Hinduism. Buddhism was influenced by Samkhya. It contains humanistic and practical values. The cosmos is known as Purusha and the energy or nature that sustains it is called Prakriti. If Purusha is Static, Prakriti is Dynamic. The Chinese call it Yin and Yang. For the Saivites, Siva is Purusha and Sakthi is Prakriti. In the Vaishnava religion, Narayana or Vishnu takes up the role of Purusha. His energy is called Vaishnavi. Vishnu is also the Preserver and Protector of Dharma. As we all know, Vishnu has many Avatars or incarnations. In the Bhagavat Gita, Krishna mentioned that whenever there is a decline in Dharma, he will be reborn again and again to uphold Dharma. This brings us back to the concept of Purusha or the cosmos itself.  The cosmos repairs itself. It does not have an exte...

Tamil and The Sanskrit Aindra Grammar School

The oldest available Tamil book known as Tolkappiyam written by Tolkappiyan is dated to be from 300-400bc. In this book, Tolkappiyan has mentioned that the natural languages spoken by the people in the region between Venkatam and Kumari (Indian Ocean) was formalised into Tamil. This process was done based on the Aindra grammar system which happened to be a Sanskrit grammar system. Tolkappiyan was well versed in the Aindra system. On other words, formal Tamil which we consider as the Classical Tamil was influenced by Sanskrit grammar school. Aindra is called as Aindiram in Tamil and the word Aindra simply means from Indra as he was considered to be the founder of this system. Tolkappiyan's teacher was a person who was well versed in the 4 Vedas. This was mentioned by Tolkappiyan himself in Tolkappiyam. It also explains why Tamil starts with syllable "ka" like most of other Indian languages. For reference, I am attaching the prologue taken from Tolkappiyam. It is in...

Sauram & NavaGraha

Picture Credit: Amar D.Gupta The Hinduism which we practice today is a consolidation of various matham (religion). Each matham has one primary God and it can be considered as monotheistic.  The traditional 6 religion which were said to be grouped together by Adi Sankara are known as Shaivam, Shaktam, Vaishnavam, Ganapatyam, Kaumaram and Sauram.  The primary God of Shaivam is Shiva, for Shaktam it is Shakti, for Vaishnavam it is Vishnu, for Ganapatyam it is Ganapathi, for Kaumaram it is Kumara (Muruga) and for Sauram it is Surya (Sun).  These 6 religions are collectively called as ShanMatham.  Shan is the Sanskrit word for the number 6.  There is also a tradition known as Smartham. The Smarthas worship God as ParaBrahma and accept the forms of God in the other mathams. Smarthas can worship any one of the primary God from ShanMatham as their favourite deity or IsthaDeivam. The present form of mainstream Hinduism is influenced by the Smartham tradi...

Jallikattu Is India's National Heritage

Jallikattu is a bull-taming or bull-embracing sport practised in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu. Although this sport is practiced mainly by people from the Mukkulathor community, it is participated by everyone irrespective of communal or religious background in Tamil Nadu. Jallikattu is the pride of the Tamil people. It has now become the symbol of Tamil unity. This sport originated in the Indus Valley civilisation about 4,000 years ago. According to the famous ephigraphist, Iravatham Mahadevan, a well preserved seal was found at Mohenjodaro in the 1930s. This seal shows a Jallikattu scene with a charging bull and several men thrown in the air as they try to control it. Even in Hindu scriptures, there has been mentions of Krishna taming bulls. Most of these bull tamers or as we call today, Jallikattu players, come from martial communities in southern Tamil Nadu.  In ancient times, those who were capable of being bull tamers were selected in the army of the kings. ...

Does God Only Understand Sanskrit?

Picture credit :mariaparaffina I had an interesting discussion with a few people this week. One of the question which I came across was if God only understands Sanskrit. You can actually pray in any language including English. You can even pray by heart without any sound. How do you think the deaf and mute pray? God is beyond linguistic boundaries. Sanskrit is a formulated language used mainly for mantric purpose. Although it can also be structured for daily conversation, it is not used as a mother tongue even by the Tamil Brahmins at home. They speak Tamil at home and many Brahmins can speak better Tamil than most of us. Because of its mantric values, Sanskrit is considered as a more suitable language for chanting. Tamil prayers are poetic and not mantric. You can sing Tamil prayers but you can't chant Tamil prayers. Tirumurai is sung in Pann Isai and not chanted in metres unlike the Sanskrit mantras from Vedas or Agamas. Singing prayers creates devotional attachment whi...

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